964 Tube weekly roundup
Highlights from 16th Erbil international book fair
We’ve just returned from the Erbil International Book Fair, and here are this week’s highlights:
Chris Bowers, formerly a British General Consul, now serves as a practicing therapist and trustee of KR-UK-IMPAKT. In his segment, he discusses the telltale signs of anxiety.
Muhammad Farid Thahr shares the advantages of volunteering.
How did Penguin Books revolutionize the publishing industry? Maison offers some insights!
Explore the significant impacts of fostering diversity in decision-making processes.
During the Erbil International Book Fair, four young members from the 964 Tube team shared their book recommendations.
The 16th Erbil International Book Fair commenced on April 17 at Sami Abdulrahman Park, featuring over 300 publishers from Iraq, the Kurdistan Region, and further afield.
The event was covered daily by the 964 Tube platform, a hub for youth-oriented topics such as technology safety, mental health, self-improvement, entrepreneurship, life sustainability, and climate change. Dive into these contemporary issues to enhance your daily life.
Discover how maintaining consistency and routine can boost your entrepreneurial skills on our Kurdish channel.
A ten-year-old boy has started a remarkable initiative to distribute books to children for free. We delve into his inspiring journey.
Thank you for tuning in; we look forward to seeing you next week!
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