Islamic Resistance claimed responsibility
Unexplained loud noises near Erbil Airport spark attack speculation
ERBIL, January 10– A resident of Sebiran village, near Erbil International Airport, told 964media, “At 11:10 am today, we heard a remarkably loud noise in the airport’s vicinity, leaving us puzzled. But weather conditions prevented us from approaching the location.”
The close proximity of Sebiran to Erbil airport allows residents to discern such sounds, reportedly occurring multiple times.
Sources affiliated with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, communicated through Telegram channels, claimed responsibility for targeting coalition forces in Erbil using two drones. The defense system at Erbil International Airport is reported to have successfully thwarted the drones.
As of the latest update, Kurdistan security sources, particulary the Directorate General of Counter-Terrorism (CTD), the body that usually confirms or denies attacks, have not issued any statements regarding the reported disturbance and the potential occurrence of an attack.