In front of Ahmed Ghanem's house, meticulously shaped green Conocarpus trees are on display, photo: 964media
'Adding an aesthetic touch'
Anbar engineer transforms street in Hit with unique greenery
ANBAR – In the Al-Jamiyat neighborhood of Hit, Anbar, a visually striking project draws the attention of passersby. Ahmed Ghanem, an employee at the University of Anbar and a mechanical engineering graduate, is the architect behind this initiative, which features meticulously shaped Conocarpus trees arranged in precise geometric patterns outside his home.
Starting four years ago with just ten saplings, Ghanem’s dedication has nurtured these trees into a variety of shapes, sparking interest and curiosity among his neighbors. “This neighborhood is new and lacks green spaces, in addition to the recently constructed sidewalks and streets built by the Hit municipality,” Ghanem explained to 964media.
Originally, Ghanem planted Ficus trees, but after they failed to survive a harsh winter frost, he opted for the hardier Conocarpus, which can withstand both extreme cold and heat. “The Conocarpus tree is evergreen, with dense foliage and rapid growth. However, it requires pruning and care every 15 days to maintain its regular shape,” he noted.
To ensure the trees’ health, Ghanem installed a drip irrigation system using a 25mm electrical conduit to run drip lines, which is connected to his home’s water pump. This setup allows him to efficiently manage the watering schedule from inside his house.
Ghanem’s efforts have garnered moral support from the community, including neighbors, friends, and relatives, who have expressed admiration for the geometric beauty of the trees. His initiative has also inspired his neighbor, legal expert Ismat Talib, and Talib’s children, who have started assisting in maintaining the trees.
Encouraged by this community support, Ghanem has continued to refine his techniques and take pride in his work, which has not only beautified his neighborhood but also motivated others in Hit to undertake similar efforts. “I am happy that my neighbors are now contributing to this effort. This was the goal of my initiative,” he remarked.
Looking forward, Ghanem and Talib plan to expand their greening efforts by planting 1,000 saplings along Hit’s Al-Huli road. They are calling on local volunteer groups like “Iraqi I Volunteer” and “Green Hit,” as well as urging relevant authorities to provide proper planning and resources to help expand green spaces across Hit and the wider Anbar governorate.
Ghanem believes in the transformative power of ornamental trees, stating, “Ornamental trees play a vital role in our lives by adding an aesthetic touch to the environment, contributing to improved moods, and reducing stress. In fact, I have observed the joy and admiration from passersby for their beautiful appearance.” He hopes his initiative will continue to foster community involvement in environmental conservation.