Driver facing legal proceedings

Erbil traffic directorate seizes notorious taxi

ERBIL – The Erbil Traffic Directorate confiscated a well-known taxi, identified as “2 Erbil,” on Tuesday, following the driver’s dangerous stunt driving in the city’s streets, endangering both drivers and pedestrians. A legal complaint has been filed against the driver for his actions.

The directorate announced: “Erbil Traffic Patrols apprehended a taxi with the plate number 2. The driver was performing illegal stunts in the middle of the street, jeopardizing the safety of people, other drivers, and the traffic system. He was encouraging young people and other drivers to engage in similar reckless behaviors and bets related to such stunts. Consequently, legal action has been lodged against the driver. Any driver who performs such exhibitions, poses a risk to street and traffic safety, and illegally modifies their vehicle’s features will have their vehicle confiscated.”

Sulaymaniyah traffic police seize two taxis for street racing

Sulaymaniyah traffic police seize two taxis for street racing