Union urges the unemployed to apply
Low response to 1,000 cleaning job openings in Sulaymaniyah
SULAYMANIYAH, August 15 — Only 400 people have applied for job openings with cleaning companies in Sulaymaniyah in the month since the local Workers Union announced nearly 1,000 new positions.
The Workers Union in Sulaymaniyah announced on July 19 that cleaning companies in the city needed 1,000 workers to fill openings. Applicants were urged to visit the Union’s headquarters in the city center. The Union also advertised that positions only required four hours of work per day.
Gallak Rauf, President of the Workers Union in Sulaymaniyah told 964: “The job applicants visit us daily, and we immediately send them to the cleaning companies.”
“Only about 400 people have registered for employment so far, and we hope that a larger number of young people will come forward for employment.”