Villagers block access to oil field

Residents of villages in Taqtaq pressure oil company to reinstate laid-off workers

ERBIL, January 30 — After the early termination of 28 employees from an oil services company in Taqtaq district, residents of nine villages in the surrounding area have initiated a campaign to have them rehired.

The group of laid-off workers said the Taq Taq Operating Company sent them home citing redundancies. They were hired in April 2023 after residents launched a similar protest calling on the company to hire local youth.

When protesters learned the workers’ contracts were still valid, they launched a demonstration to have the decision reversed.

Ghafur Abdullah, who represents the nine villages protesting the company, told 964media that residents blocked the main road leading to the oil field in an attempt to pressure the company to rehire the group of workers.

“According to the previous agreement, these employees should work at the oil field until April 1, 2024, but the company sent them home prematurely,” Abdullah said.

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