Power cuts cause a run on gas stations in Haditha

HADITHA, July 31 – Long queues were seen in front of the Saif gas station in Haditha on Sunday as drivers lined up at the only station in town with fuel.

Electricity outages across Iraqi cities over the weekend worsened the gas shortage as people rushed to their local stations to fill up on gas to power generators.

Police intervened to control the crowds and prevent any potential issues.

Ahmed Al-Jughayfi, an employee at the Saif Al-Anbar station, told 964: “The allocated amount [of fuel] was depleted at the Al-Haqlaniyah and Anwar stations, and this station does not have enought to cater to everyone.”

Ayoub Alaa, a resident of Haditha, said: “The electricity comes and goes, and most people have bought gasoline to run their home generators, since the temperature is so high and it is impossible to stay indoors without a cooling device.”

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