USD transaction - Photo Credit: 964Media
Keeping the dinar stable
Security teams enforce ban on U.S. dollar transactions in Tuz Khurmatu
KIRKUK, August 31 — Authorities in Tuz Khurmatu have issued a warning to shopkeepers and business owners in the district’s markets, instructing them to end all transactions in U.S. dollars.
Both the Hassan Qawan and Halwest markets in the district were subject to raids by national security forces, during which shopkeepers were informed of the ban on trading in dollars.
Saif Anwar, a shopkeeper in the Hassan Qawan market, informed 964 that national security forces presented a document to shopkeepers in the area, requiring them to sign and agree to end buying and selling in dollaes.
964 contacted Lieutenant Salman Hussain, the head of national security, who stated, “We continue to alert the markets in the district that engaging in dollar transactions is prohibited under all circumstances.”
He cautioned that anyone found engaging in such activities would be subject to severe legal penalties.
Anwar commented, “The purpose of this decision is to reinstate the value of the Iraqi dinar to the rate established by the Iraqi parliament, which stands at 132,000 Iraqi dinars for $100.”