Cultivating 600 mulberry trees
Penjwen residents initiate tree planting campaign
PENJWEN– Residents of the Maso and Halalawa villages in the Penjwen district embarked on a tree planting campaign before noon today, marking the beginning of their initiative by planting 600 mulberry trees.
Khalid Mohammed, a participant in the campaign, told 964media that around 50 people were involved from 10 a.m. It took them two hours or so to complete the task.
Mohammed mentioned that in addition to the volunteers from the villages, members of Namam group and the Malekewe organization, two environmental groups, participated, with the mulberry saplings provided by Hajji Habib, a Penjwen investor. Zana Rahman, the qaymaqam of Penjwen, also supported the initiative.
The Namam group in Penjwen has been engaged in tree planting projects for about five years, with more than 24,000 mulberry trees planted across the district to date.
Gharib Penjweni, a member of the group, had previously explained to 964media the choice of mulberry trees, citing their longevity of up to 500 years, resilience to weather conditions and drought, and the high-quality produce they yield.