Over 103m barrels

Iraq’s oil ministry announces January crude oil export statistics

BAGHDAD — The Iraqi Ministry of Oil has released the final statistics for crude oil exports for January, highlighting a substantial volume of shipments that emphasizes the nation’s significant position in the global oil market.

According to a statement obtained by 964media, the ministry, via the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company, announced that Iraq exported a total of 103,508,438 barrels of crude oil in January. The bulk of these exports, totaling 102,025,000 barrels, came from oil fields in central and southern Iraq. Additionally, the Qayyarah field contributed 1,019,132 barrels to the total exports, while shipments to Jordan amounted to 464,306 barrels.

Iraq oil exports generate over $8.3 billion in December

Iraq oil exports generate over $8.3 billion in December

Iraqi ministry of oil announces January export and revenue figures

Iraqi ministry of oil announces January export and revenue figures