Entered Iraq as a private person

Iranian Deputy Energy Minister in critical condition after Baghdad traffic accident

BAGHDAD – Asadollah Rashdi, the Iranian Deputy Minister of Energy, remains unconscious and in critical condition following a traffic accident in Baghdad, a reliable source informed 964media. The incident occurred on the Ghazaliya highway, west of the Iraqi capital.

According to the spokesperson, Rashdi is currently receiving medical care at Yarmouk Hospital. “Asadollah Rashdi is in an unstable condition, unconscious, and admitted to Yarmouk Hospital,” the source stated. It was revealed that Rashdi entered Iraq as a private citizen, without his governmental title, and was traveling in a rented civilian vehicle at the time of the accident.

The Iranian Broadcasting Corporation reported that Rashdi was involved in a collision with a concrete barrier in Baghdad late last night. The details surrounding the circumstances of the crash have yet to be fully disclosed.