In support of struggling passangers

Sulaymaniyah bus route reduces fares

SULAYMANIYAH, January 31 — In Sulaymaniyah, a public bus line has cut its fare from 750 Iraqi Dinars to 500 Dinars. The Drivers’ Syndicate plans to reduce fares on all bus lines in the governorate.

The fare reduction, effective this Wednesday, applies to the 18 buses on the Bakhtiyari Taza line.

“We feel responsible for the residents, especially given their financial challenges,” said Sirwan Hameed, supervisor of the Bakhtiyari line, in a statement to 964media. “Many struggle to afford the fare.”

Hameed noted the decision followed discussions among the line’s drivers who agreed on the fare reduction.

There are 1,601 buses in Sulaymaniyah city, serving various neighborhoods. Azad Ahmed, head of the Drivers’ Syndicate, told 964media that drivers were previously advised to lower fares, with some already charging 500 Dinars.

964media’s investigation found some bus lines initially lowered fares but later reverted to original prices.

Ahmed emphasized the Syndicate’s goal to reduce fares city-wide, supporting price decreases.

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