Dog breeder in Diyala rejects society and prefers life with his pooches

DIYALA, August 1 – Three years since he began breeding dogs, a man in Diyala’s Mandali district has decided to leave society behind and live surrounded by his pack of more than 60 pooches.

Saif Al-Salhi built a farm for dogs near his home, equipped with water taps, and where he provides food, vaccines, and any medication they may need.

He told 964:

“Some of the dogs I raise can be worth up to $2,500, but the prices of other dogs vary depending on their breed and age. I communicate daily with dog sellers from different governorates through social media to buy various breeds, such as the Hoshary (Pishdar) and German breeds, and now I have 62 dogs.”

“For me, dogs are much more faithful than some humans, so I consider them my friends and have retired from society. When I go out at night to hunt birds and animals in the plains, I sleep peacefully knowing that the dogs are guarding me.”