Making a living and finding a home in Basra

Egyptian migrant finds prosperity and hospitality in Iraq

BASRA, December 7 — Hassanein Mohammed, an Egyptian living in Khor Al-Zubair, says he has found a calm and safe life in Basra where he works as a vegetable seller earning around $300 monthly.

Mohammed arrived in Iraq a year ago and received residency with the aim of finding work and improving his life. Originally from Mansoura in rural Egypt, he says finding a job in Khor Al-Zubair was difficult, but that he now earns much more selling vegetables in Basra than he did working in his hometown.

Despite living in a foreign country, he says locals have treated him with respectand kindness.

“Government entities have treated me excellently, and I obtained official residency without any difficulties,” he said.

“The locals are kind; I interact with them daily and feel like I’m in my own country.”