Calling for municipal action

Volunteers rally to clean Tigris riverbanks in Salah Al-Din

SALAH AL-DIN — The “Al-Khair for Environmental Advocacy” team, alongside a group of dedicated volunteers, initiated a cleanup campaign Monday along the banks of the Tigris River. The effort aims to address the area’s neglect and calls on local authorities to improve waste management infrastructure.

“We carried out a cleanup campaign along the banks of the Tigris River, known as ‘Jawwat Al-Jisr.’ Unfortunately, the area is no longer suitable for visitors. Places like this should be ready to welcome families and young people, but today we see it is not suitable due to the large amount of waste and garbage,” said Samar Al-Sheikh Issa, head of campaigns for Al-Khair for Environmental Advocacy in Salah Al-Din, speaking to 964media.

Issa emphasized the need for sustainable solutions, adding, “We urge the Tikrit municipality to install well-fixed signage and waste containers. Previously, there were containers, but this time we hope they will be properly installed and emptied periodically. We know very well that we will return to find the place dirty again. The idea is not for us to stop cleaning but for those who litter to stop.”

Local resident Jawad Munther joined the initiative, sharing his experience: “We originally came for a picnic with friends to the banks of the Tigris in Tikrit. When we saw this campaign, we decided to join them in cleaning the area because it should be clean for people to enjoy. When we finish our picnic, we collect the waste and put it in a bag to keep the area clean,” he told 964media.

Munther further urged the community, stating, “We urge families to clean up when they leave and put the waste in bags so the municipality can handle the rest.”

Volunteer Hadeer Al-Ayoubi highlighted the severity of the pollution, saying, “Today, the banks of the Tigris River are suffocating from the amount of waste and harmful materials. It is shameful to see the beautiful Tigris River in this state. Volunteer teams clean up from time to time, but it is not enough. If this place were in another country, they would invest in it as a tourist site, generating revenue comparable to oil.”

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