'Lack of valid documentation'

Authorities seize $4.3 million in cash at Northern Kirkuk checkpoint

KIRKUK — Authorities at a northern Kirkuk checkpoint seized six billion Iraqi dinars [approximately $4 million] along with $300,000 on Tuesday night from a vehicle traveling from Erbil to Baghdad, a federal investigative source confirmed to 964 media.

“A minibus was stopped at a northern Kirkuk checkpoint late last night. Upon inspection, six billion dinars and $300,000 were found inside without any formal paperwork justifying the transfer of funds,” the source said.

According to the source, the money had been moved from Erbil and was intended to be delivered to Baghdad. “Due to the lack of any valid documentation for the transfer, the vehicle and the funds were confiscated following central bank guidelines, and the two passengers in the vehicle were detained for questioning,” the source added.