Users to face legal proceedings and receive treatment
Police target drug users in security crackdown in Anbar governorate
ANBAR, October 5 — Police in Anbar announced on Wednesday a security campaign to arrest drug users across the governorate, calling on residents to cooperate and hand over individuals for rehabilitation.
The General Directorate for Drug and Psychotropic Substances stated in a press release, received by Network 964 a copy of it:
The Directorate General for Drug and Psychotropic Substances, under the direct supervision of the Minister of Interior, Mr. Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, announced the start of a security campaign to apprehend drug users in Anbar governorate. They urged all residents in the governorate to cooperate and hand over drug users to the directorate’s headquarters in Anbar fto face legal proceedings and obtain the necessary approvals for admission to drug rehabilitation centers affiliated with the Directorate General for Drug and Psychotropic Substances. This rehabilitation aims to provide psychological, physical, and social support, enabling their reintegration into society after achieving full recovery, in coordination with specialist doctors from the Ministry of Health, in a first of its kind initiative the history of the Ministry of Interior.