Sulaymaniyah residents eligible for a 15% discount on past-due electricity bills
SULAYMANIYAH, July 23 — Sulaymaniyah residents are eligible for a 15% discount on past-due electricity bills through October 24, according to local authorities.
A statement from the Directorate of Electricity in Sulaymaniyah, said: “Starting today, citizens can pay their electricity bills through accountants at the Sulaymaniyah Electricity Department, or by visiting the electricity offices to settle their debts.”
Sulaymaniyah Provincial Council member Castro Maroof told 964: “In a letter addressed to the Council of Ministers, we asked to continue the discount on electricity bills, and the Regional Council of Ministers approved it.”
“A large number of citizens will benefit from this decision, and it will lead to increased revenues for the government. We also support the idea of increasing the exemption to 25% or more.”
The Kurdistan Regional Government issued a 15% exemption on citizens’ electricity bills for the first time on June 3, 2021, extending the decision each year.