'Stay away from rivers'

Kurdistan Region sees spike in drownings; 40 cases reported

KURDISTAN REGION – As of Saturday, 40 individuals have drowned in various parts of the Kurdistan Region, according to the region’s Civil Defense. The agency urges tourists and residents to avoid getting too close to rivers.

Sarkawt Karash, a spokesperson for the Kurdistan Region’s Civil Defense, told 964media, “In the past six months, there have been 40 drowning incidents recorded across all governorates. We advise residents to stay away from rivers and not to swim in lakes if they are not confident swimmers.”

With the arrival of the hot season, Civil Defense authorities in all cities and towns are issuing warnings against swimming in rivers and streams. They are also posting warning signs in these areas.

For instance, on June 9, the Soran Autonomous Administration held a meeting to address the recent drownings of four tourists within a month in the area and to implement measures to prevent further incidents.

A committee from the Soran Tourism and Civil Defense departments was formed to inspect all tourist sites in the area and review health and safety standards.

“Soran is a popular tourist destination for people from Kurdistan and Iraq. However, the lack of expertise among tourists can lead to tragic accidents, and we aim to prevent these incidents,” said Halgurd Sheikh Najib, Head of the Soran Autonomous Administration, to 964media.

The most devastating drowning incident was seen two weeks ago when five members of the same family drowned in a village in Sulaymaniyah’s Raparin administration.

A child fell into the pond, prompting the father to jump in to rescue him. Three other family members followed, and tragically, all five drowned together.

Last year more than 100 drownings were recorded all over the Kurdistan Region. In response, civil defense teams have intensified rescue operations, saving nearly 70 people.

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