Including the PKK and security agreement with Iran

Iraqi and Kurdish officials discuss security and displacement issues

ERBIL — National Security Advisor Qasim al-Araji met with Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed in Erbil to discuss the status of internally displaced persons, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Iraq-Iran security agreement, and convicted individuals.

The Iraqi National Security Advisory and the KRG Interior Ministry have been coordinating the execution of a 2023 security agreement between Baghdad and Tehran to secure the long border between the two countries. This includes moving Iranian Kurdish opposition parties’ fighters away from the border and placing them in civilian camps.

The KRG Interior Ministry’s statement did not provide details on the discussions regarding the PKK. During a recent visit by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Baghdad in late April, Iraq and Turkey signed a security agreement to secure their joint border in the Kurdistan Region. Turkey seeks to end the PKK presence in Iraq and has vowed to intensify its land and air campaign against the group, which has been fighting for Kurdish rights in Turkey for the past four decades.

Qasim Al-Araji leads security delegation to Erbil to monitor Iraq-Iran security agreement

Qasim Al-Araji leads security delegation to Erbil to monitor Iraq-Iran security agreement