With a 'happiness corridor'

Café Nafas: Ramadi’s gateway to Old Baghdad

RAMADI, ANBAR — Café Nafas, a novel establishment in Ramadi, brings the essence of old Baghdad with its distinctive ambiance reminiscent of the capital’s historic quarters. Situated on Al-Mustouda’ Street at the city’s core, the café is decorated with more than 200 historical photographs along a wall aptly named the Happiness Corridor.

The opening saw attendance from notable photographers such as Tariq Al-Asaf, Adnan Sattay, and Marouf Ismail.

Majid Hamed, the proprietor of Café Nafas, conveyed his vision to the 964media, stating, “We have recreated the Baghdad atmosphere from Al-Mutanabbi Street and other venerable locales that linger in our memories and those of past generations here at the café.”

Al-Mutanabbi Street, renowned for its literary and cultural significance, serves as a vibrant hub for booksellers, intellectuals, and artists, embodying the spirit of creativity and knowledge that Café Nafas aims to encapsulate within its walls.

The café’s interior, shaped by customer demand, incorporates traditional Baghdad architectural elements, depictions of famed Iraqi figures, 200 historical photographs, and a conventional Arab lounge area. Beyond its visual tribute to history, Café Nafas provides a selection of confectionary and a breakfast menu.

“Thee street echoes Shaqlawa, and the breakfast is inspired by Baghdad, though it’s found in Haditha,” narrates a video with the voice of Fairouz playing in the background, underscoring the café’s dedication to capturing the quintessence of Iraqi culture and its historical cities.

Shaqlawa is a Kurdish town known for its lush, mountainous landscapes and refreshing climate. while Haditha is recognized for its pivotal location by the Euphrates River and historical landmarks.

Café Nafas not only functions as a coffee shop but also acts as a cultural conduit, merging the heritage and atmosphere of ancient Baghdad with the contemporary setting of Ramadi. It invites visitors on a nostalgic exploration of Iraq’s rich historical tapestry.