
Pro Iraqi Resistance figures demand action in wake of US strike on Kataib Hezbollah commander

BAGHDAD, February 8, 2024 — Following the US strike that killed Abu Baqir al-Saadi, a prominent figure within the Kataib Hezbollah group and the Islamic Resistance, various figures known for their support of the resistance have voiced strong opposition and called for measures against the American presence in Iraq.

Mehdi Taqi Al-Amiri, head of the Badr Parliamentary Bloc, issued a statement emphasizing a renewed and unequivocal stance against the American presence, indicating a significant shift in response to recent events. “This time will be different,” Al-Amiri declared, asserting a collective determination within the Security and Defense Committee to “expel the occupier.”

Faleh Khazali of the Coordination Framework has urged the Iraqi Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to take decisive actions, including the expulsion of American forces and the closure of their [US] embassy in Iraq.

Abu Ala Al-Walai, Secretary-General of Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada, published a short tweet saying that “The Islamic resistance in Iraq is the guardian of blood,” mourning the loss of the Kataib Hezbollah (KH) leader.

Saadoun al-Saadi, leading the Hoqooq parliamentary bloc, demanded an emergency session of the Parliament with the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to address the “repeated and humiliating American recklessness.” This session aims to discuss steps towards ending the targeting of KH leaders and civilian areas, and to expedite the withdrawal of American forces.

Popular Mobilization Forces mourned Abu Baqir Al-Saadi by posting a picture of Al-Saadi with the phrase “To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return”, without mentioning further details about his position.

Platforms affiliated with the factions circulated a picture of Al-Saadi’s ID, indicating that he works as an advisor in the Popular Mobilization Forces.

USCENTCOM strike targets Kata’ib Hezbollah commander in Iraq

USCENTCOM strike targets Kata’ib Hezbollah commander in Iraq

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