Dr. Khaled Zuhair killed in Baghdad

Health ministry mourns assassination of pediatric consultant

BAGHDAD — The Ministry of Health reported the tragic assassination of Dr. Khaled Zuhair, a renowned pediatric consultant at the Medical City, on Wednesday, marking another grievous loss for the medical community due to violence by unidentified assailants.

In a statement released by the ministry, it expressed deep sorrow over the loss: “The Ministry of Health mourns one of its staff members at the City of Medicine Department, Dr. Khaled Zuhair, a consultant in pediatric medicine, who was assassinated by unknown assailants.”

The ministry also confirmed that criminal investigations are underway, led by the competent security authorities, with close monitoring by the Ministry of Health itself.

The statement concluded with a prayer: “Praying to the Almighty to grant him His wide mercy, make his abode paradise, and grant patience and solace to his family and loved ones.”

Iraqi doctors have frequently faced threats, kidnappings, or even assassination attempts. These risks are often attributed to a mix of sectarian violence, criminal activities, and retaliation by families of patients due to perceived or real medical malpractice, amidst a broader context of security challenges and crumbling health infrastructure.