Agriculture sector to see greater support

KRG to invest in plastic greenhouse production to increase crop yields

ERBIL, August 15 — The Kurdistan region’s Ministry of Agriculture plans to increase the production of plastic greenhouses to support farmers’ output and provide employment opportunities for university graduates.

There are currently more than 30,000 plastic greenhouses in the Kurdistan region, where farmers produce crops such as cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, and other crops. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the annual production of these greenhouses has reached more than 600,000 tons.

Razgar Hamad, an advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, told 964 that officials plan to increase the number of greenhouses to increase annual production and employment.

“Our plan will facilitate all graduates who want to work in agriculture,” he said.

He emphasized the importance of including graduates from agriculture-focused programs at universities and colleges as they can  produce crops and create further job opportunities.

According to the advisor, plastic greenhouses play an effective role in the production of vegetables, which is why the government wants to invest in them.

“Plastic houses help to protect crops from the cold, wind, and rain,” he said. “They also help to control pests and diseases. As a result, plastic houses can increase the yield of crops.”

According to the advisor, the Ministry of Agriculture is working with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to secure funding for the project, which they hope to start in the next year.