No good seed goes unplanted

Driver offers 25 saplings in Harir district to replace tree he damaged

ERBIL — A driver in the Batas area of Harir district offered 25 saplings to local environmentalists as compensation after he damaged a tree in a traffic accident.

Local sources report that the driver struck a five-year-old roadside tree, breaking it. Days later, he returned to the scene and voluntarily provided new saplings to make up for the damage. The saplings were handed over to environmentalists in Batas, who then planted them in place of the lost tree.

Najmaddin Batasi, an environmental activist in Batas, told 964media, “We were very pleased with the driver’s action. We hope this sense of responsibility toward nature becomes a common practice among drivers.”

He continued, “We had been investigating how the tree was damaged, but the driver himself contacted us and informed us that he had brought 25 saplings to make up for it.”

Batasi added, “We decided to monitor the trees and water them until they grow. We hope this driver’s action serves as an example for everyone.”

Space exploration is a waste of resources

Space exploration is a waste of resources

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