August shooting

Wasit court sentences man to death for killing two brothers in bakery dispute

WASIT — The Wasit Criminal Court sentenced a man to death by hanging Monday for killing two brothers and injuring a third in a shooting last August. The court acquitted the man’s father and two brothers, who were also implicated.

A security source told 964media, “The murder occurred at the end of August last year. Investigations revealed that the accused opened fire on three brothers who owned a competing bakery in the Al-Shohada neighborhood of Kut, killing two and severely injuring the third.”

The convicted shooter, identified as J.A.S., is in his twenties. He confessed to the crime during the trial, citing an intense rivalry between his family’s bakery and that of the victims. “There were long-standing disputes and provocations that escalated into violence,” he said in court, the source reported.

The investigation presented video evidence of the incident, which corroborated the defendant’s confession. The court ruled for his execution while releasing his father and two brothers due to a lack of evidence linking them to the shooting.