Amid growing shift to renewable energy

Thirty homes in Raparin adopt solar power systems

RAPARIN – Thirty homes in the Raparin area of Kurdistan Region have installed solar power systems, with the electricity directorate offering assistance to anyone interested in making the switch.

Ali Mohammed, the Director of Electricity for Raparin, told 964media that he expects the number to be higher, but not all installations have been registered yet.
“We coordinate with the places that install the systems to be informed about installations in any home or business,” he said.

Located in the eastern part of Sulaymaniyah province, Raniya is the administrative center of the Raparin area.

Installing solar systems in the Kurdistan region, especially in homes, is a relatively new practice that has been adopted in various cities and areas over the past few years.

Sulaymaniyah is witnessing a broader shift towards renewable energy, with various sectors, including religious institutions, educational facilities, and residential areas, adopting solar power solutions.

“Around 250 locations in Sulaymaniyah are registered as using solar power, and some homes have installed systems without official registration,” said Sirwan Muhammad, spokesperson of the Sulaymaniyah Electricity Directorate. The directorate offers discounts on electricity bills to encourage more residents and facilities to transition to solar energy.

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