Providing for family

Sharazur bombing survivor’s story of determination

SHARAZUR— Yousif Azim Abdulrahman, a 67-year-old resident of Sharazur, stands out not just for his dedication to his job at a local cleaning company for the past 13 years, but also for the adversity he has overcome.

Azim lost one of his hands to a bombing of his village by the former Iraqi regime when he was just seven, yet his spirit and determination to provide for his family have not been diminished. “I have to do this job because I have no other source of income to take care of myself, my home, and my children,” Azim explains.

Despite the physical challenges, Azim begins his workday at 7:00 am, tackling the refuse, leftovers, and dust accumulated on the streets of Sharazur. His efficiency and resourcefulness have earned him the nickname “The Clever” from his company and the local municipality.

“God left me with only one hand, but I work as if I had two. People respect me, and I am grateful to God for everything,” he says with pride.

With a monthly salary of just 280,000 Iraqi Dinars ($186), he supports his wife, two daughters, and a son. His story also touches on his brief encounter with the Iraqi military during the Iran-Iraq war, where he was ultimately exempted from service due to his disability.

“Some citizens look at us with high regard, thinking that a worker like me is a slave, but I consider this work an honor. It allows me to provide for my family,” Azim reflects.

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