Calls for expulsion of troops

PMF chief condemns US attacks

BAGHDAD — Falih Al-Fayyadh, leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), declared on Sunday that a recent attack by the U.S. was a direct assault on the PMF, asserting that this action will not be ignored and stressing the importance of removing foreign forces from Iraqi territory.

While speaking at a news conference during the funeral for the victims, Al-Fayyadh said, “The American aggression directly targeted the Popular Mobilization Forces, and we will not overlook this incident, as it constitutes a flagrant attack.”

Al-Fayyadh further stated, “The blood of the PMF represents Iraq’s dignity and stature. We will not permit the sacrifice of our sons to be diminished to a mere political bargaining chip,” highlighting the sacredness and significance of the PMF within Iraq.

By emphasizing the PMF’s integral role as a source of “pride” for both the Iraqi armed forces and the people, Al-Fayyadh renewed the call for the removal of foreign troops, indicating a firm position against the presence of international forces in the nation.

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US confirms airstrikes in Syria, Iraq after early confusion

PMF details losses to U.S. airstrikes

PMF details losses to U.S. airstrikes