Part of UNESCO drive
Penjwen launches initiative to promote women’s reading engagement
PENJWEN — The Learning City project in Penjwen has launched an initiative focused on boosting reading among women. In its initial phase, the project has already attracted a group of women who have started their reading journey.
The project aims to encourage local women to incorporate book reading into their cultural practices and provides a wide range of books through a dedicated committee covering various subjects.
Darko Jalal, a senior member of the project, told 964media that awareness about the initiative has been disseminated, and so far, 15 women have responded to the call, beginning to explore the diverse literary offerings provided by the project. “We welcome any woman from our city who wishes to start reading,” Jalal said.
There is no fixed end date for this phase of the project, and Jalal hinted at the possibility of organizing a competition among the participants after some time to further engage the community.
Participants are free to choose any book provided by the project without any cost, aiming to raise awareness, broaden perspectives, and enhance personal and educational development within the community.
The Learning City project is supervised by UNESCO and has been implemented in 76 countries worldwide, encompassing nearly 292 cities.
UNESCO defines learning cities as “effectively mobilizing resources in every sector to promote inclusive and quality learning, from basic to higher education. They revitalize learning in families and communities, facilitate learning for and in the workplace, and extend the use of modern learning technologies.”
Penjwen’s engagement in the project has been active for nearly a year, with tangible efforts underway for the past eight months.