Following unexpected turnout

Fallujah’s Al-Khulafa Al-Rashidin mosque opens prayer hall for women

FALLUJAH – Following numerous requests, Al-Khulafa Al-Rashidin Mosque in Fallujah has inaugurated its event hall as a prayer space exclusively for women, a move that saw an unexpectedly large turnout of women and children for the Taraweeh prayers from the very first night.

Mohammed Sebti Al-Kubaisi, the mosque’s imam and preacher, told 964media, “We have an event hall within the mosque, located near the Fallujah Teaching Hospital, which we decided to dedicate as a women-only prayer space. We encourage other mosques to follow suit.”

The hall, designated for Isha and Taraweeh prayers, witnessed a significant attendance of women and children, surprising the mosque administration.

Cardinia Al-Rubaie, a local resident, expressed her challenges: “In my area, there are four mosques, yet none offers a designated prayer area for women, neither upstairs nor downstairs. I have to walk to a neighboring area to pray with my family members. We demand more prayer spaces for women in all of Fallujah’s mosques, as it is a legitimate right and not exclusively reserved for men.”