Park land sectioned for private generator

Residents in Said Sadiq plan legal action against municipality

SAID SADIQ — Community members and activists in Said Sadiq are preparing to file a legal complaint against the municipality for dedicating a portion of Genjan Park to a private generator owner, raising concerns.

The controversy revolves around Genjan Park, located in the Hasar district, cherished by locals as a vital communal green space. Resident Helmat Fattah criticized the decision to place a generator in the park, pointing out the potential risks to both the community’s health and the park’s environment due to pollution.

Fattah recalled past efforts to prevent the generator’s installation at this site, which were successful due to community mobilization. He declared, “Tomorrow, we intend to submit a legal petition against the municipality for the same issue.”

Due to longstanding issues with intermittent grid electricity in the Kurdistan Region, residential neighborhoods often rely on loud, polluting private generators to bridge the power supply gap.

Activist Eyub Suleiman voiced disappointment with the municipality’s choice, which goes against the community’s longstanding appeals for park enhancements. “Rather than upgrading, the municipality has now allocated a section of the park for a private generator,” Suleiman said.

In defense, Hamza Mohammed, the head of Said Sadiq Municipality, explained that “the allocation was conducted legally, with clear stipulations and city council approval. The designated area spans 120 square meters.”

Mohammed also noted that the generator’s owner is required by agreement to plant 50 trees around the site and to relinquish the space upon the municipality’s demand without any claims for compensation.

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