In solidarity with Gaza

Protest in Baghdad against American restaurants

BAGHDAD January 26 — A few dozen protesters organized by the “Boycott” campaign gathered Friday evening in Baghdad’s Karrada district, targeting the soon-to-open Pizza Hut branch. The demonstrators, expressing solidarity with war-torn Gaza, voiced opposition to U.S. franchises in Iraq.

The protest started at 3 p.m. on Street 62 in front of the Pizza Hut, next to Baghdad’s inaugural KFC branch. Chanting “Yes to boycott, no to Israel,” among other slogans, the protesters flew Palestine flags.

Security forces, present at the scene, urged the crowd to refrain from damaging property.

One protester, speaking to 964media, said the campaign aims to protest the aggression in Gaza and emphasize that purchasing U.S. products supports Israel’s military actions against Gaza.

Another protester noted plans to continue demonstrations to oppose the war and underscore boycotting as an effective conflict resolution strategy.

Protesters also demanded the closure of this Pizza Hut branch and other American eateries in Iraq, appealing to authorities to take action against businesses from countries supporting Israel.