Claims 'blackmail' by politicians

Businessman Nur Zuheir denies ‘Theft of the Century’ allegations

BAGHDAD — In a televised interview with Sharqiya, Nur Zuheir, the Iraqi businessman accused in the “Theft of the Century,” involving the disappearance of approximately $2.5 billion, has defended his actions, claiming he is being ‘blackmailed’ by the media and politicians. Below are excerpts from the interview.

I am a well-off person and well-known in Basra. I am a trader who worked with my father, and then with the Ministry of Trade and the Iraqi government. I used to take contracts to supply some ration materials in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. I own properties, lands, and a building, and all of this is known to the people.

The issue from the beginning is as follows: A person came to our exchange company in Karrada and wanted to sell a foreign check. We started negotiating with him, and the check was not forged but issued by the state, valued at 33–34 billion [dinars], and our commission was 13 billion from the 34 billion [dinars] value. We took the check to the bank, and it was rejected. The bank told us to come with them to the tax department, where an issue arose with cashing the check.

The representative of the foreign company who ‘brought the check’ went to the general manager. The manager said that this check is valid, but this foreign company must open a bank account so that the amount can be deposited into its account, and then you can withdraw it from there. We had already paid the check holder a sum of 5 billion dinars.

After some pressure, they told me that the law allows the company to waive the rights in favor of your company, which was the best option. We went to the tax department, the waiver was completed, and the procedures were followed. We received the check in our name, presented it to the bank, and it was cashed.

We asked the bank manager about the check before cashing it, and he said that this check and the transactions have been audited by the Integrity Commission and that it has a letter from the commission, and there is no problem with it.

The Integrity Commission mentioned in the letter that the check has been audited by the tax authorities, and there is no objection to cashing the amounts.

The same person came a second time with a check of a larger amount. These amounts do not include a single dinar for the state. The state imposes a 3% tax on foreign oil companies and others, but the government takes 5% that remains in the state treasury as a reserve in case of fines or other matters. When the project is completed, it is settled, and the amounts are settled from the contracts, and the legal auditor handles the matter and brings a check for it.

There are more than 100 checks we have, each with a value of 10 billion. The individual ‘Kambiz’ is an agent for a company, and his agency is documented in the case, and he is the legal representative.

The resignation of Finance Minister Ali Allawi from his position and the arrival of Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar at the head of the ministry, and the stirring up of all this to cover something up.

This is not the theft of tax deposits but rather the lie of tax deposits. I am just a currency exchanger, nothing more, after the legal auditor from the company completes it, and I am the last.

I paid the money twice. When I received the checks, I paid them, and today the state wants me to pay again.

There are 6–7 names as agents present in the judiciary in addition to ‘Kambiz.’ I distanced myself from the media because of the issue that one of the channel owners entered my house and took 3 million dollars, and they exaggerated the talk.

The whole issue is just blackmail by the deputies, some of whom asked for a house, and so on.

They carried out dirty blackmail against me, from fabricating voice recordings to videos and false statements, and they portrayed us as thieves.

As proof that this is not state money, the head of the Integrity Commission said that companies should come and complain. ‘Well, let the state complain’ and take its right. There is no complainant from the companies.”