while assessing the healthcare services in the residential complex
Health mobile teams launch school awareness campaign in Basmaiyah center
BAGHDAD, October 17 — Health mobile teams in the Basmaiyah Health Center have initiated an educational campaign for students while assessing the healthcare services in the residential complex.
Marwa Hashem – Doctor told Network 964:
“There are direct directives from the management of the Nahrawan sector and the Health Center director in Basmaiyah, Dr. Dhulfaqar Rahim, emphasizing the importance of visiting the schools within the complex to evaluate their healthcare conditions.”
Menna Hussein – Health Employee said to Network 964:
“During the visit, the school health unit team collected a list of the number of students, teaching staff, and performed an environmental assessment of the school. Hand sanitizers and basic first aid supplies were distributed. Lists of approved foods to be sold in the school store were provided to the administration, along with an emphasis on classroom ventilation and environmental and personal hygiene.”
Samar Hassan – Campaign Participant shared with Network 964:
“We delivered some health awareness messages, including proper handwashing techniques and hand care, distributing educational materials to children. The aim is to educate them on how to prevent infectious diseases and other illnesses caused by germ transmission through hands.”