Media Monitor

Kata’ib Sayyid Al-Shuhada spox: Iraq faces ‘limited options’ for avoiding regional escalation

BAGHDAD — Kadhim Al-Fartousi, spokesperson for Kata’ib Sayyid Al-Shuhada, part of the Iran-affiliated Islamic Resistance in Iraq, said on Sunday that Iraq has two main options to prevent a potential Israeli strike amid the growing regional conflict involving Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iraqi resistance factions.

Al-Fartousi stated that Baghdad could pressure its ally, the U.S., to stop any aggression against Iraq, or it could pursue defense agreements with major powers like China, Russia, or Iran. As a third alternative, he suggested that resistance factions would directly respond to the source of any attacks, including targeting bases involved in strikes on Iraq. Additionally, Al-Fartousi hinted at the possibility of using energy warfare as a strategic tool.

Excerpts from Al-Fartousi’s interview with Dijlah TV:

The Iraqi state’s inability to protect its land and sovereignty from any external strikes leaves it with two options. The first is to pressure the United States, Iraq’s strategic ally and future partner, according to the Strategic Framework Agreement. The Prime Minister must test the credibility of the U.S. in fulfilling the terms of this agreement and defending Iraq, as a security partner. However, I do not believe this will happen, as we have seen with Turkey; despite Turkey’s repeated aggressions, the U.S. did nothing.

The second option is to turn to major powers such as China, Russia, and Iran, and sign mutual defense alliances with them to address this shortfall, standing behind forces that can defend us and prevent any strikes on our land.

The failure to establish deterrent measures in Iraq, as an Iraqi government and state, is always tied to the desires of prime ministers seeking a second term. Anyone who thinks of a second term takes no steps that might affect the number of votes they receive in parliament during that second term.

As for the resistance factions, they possess capabilities beyond missiles and drones in responding to Israel. As we have stated multiple times, through the words of Haj Abu Alaa Al-Walai, there are advanced Israeli sites in the region that could be future military targets. Additionally, bases that support and participate in attacks on Iraq will be within range of our fire. There will be a response to every source of fire. I also do not wish to go into detail about the energy war, but they should know that gas in the Russia-Ukraine war has changed many equations.