Shelter campaign raises concerns

Stray dogs in Kirkuk’s Dubz district face mistreatment

KIRKUK — In contrast to other Iraqi cities where stray dogs are often culled, Dubz district in Kirkuk has taken a different approach by rounding up stray dogs and sending them to a shelter instead. However, troubling treatment of the animals by untrained workers has sparked concerns, with videos circulating on social media showing rough and abusive handling during the roundup.

For several years, stray dogs in Kirkuk and surrounding areas have been collected and relocated to a shelter in the Laylan district, rather than being killed. While the shelter provides a space for the dogs away from populated areas, the way they are captured has raised alarm. Workers tasked with gathering the dogs use electrictrified poles and batons , often mishandling them to the point of suffocation.

Meriwan Ali, the mayor of Dubz, acknowledged the public’s complaints about the growing number of stray dogs in local markets and neighborhoods. “Due to the start of the school year, children are at risk from these dogs as they walk to school. That’s why, based on public demand, we initiated the roundup campaign,” Ali told 964media.