15,000 visitors accommodated

Hotels and Motels in Duhok filled with tourists during festival

DUHOK — Hotels and motels in Duhok province hosted over 15,000 tourists during the recent Eid al-Adha holiday, according to Bawar Pasi, assistant head of the Hotel and Motel Association in Duhok.

The province, home to more than 215 hotels and motels and 500 tourist sites, saw its highest concentration of tourists in the Amedi district in the east.

Pasi reported that over 95 percent of the accommodations were filled with tourists from central and southern Iraq. He noted that despite this influx, there is still capacity for more visitors. Security forces facilitated the arrival of tourists during Eid, and officials anticipate more visitors after the holidays.

Duhok, known for its natural landscapes, historical sites, and vibrant urban areas, is a key attraction in Kurdistan.

However, clashes between the Turkish army and Kurdistan Workers’ Party guerillas have impacted tourism in border areas near Turkey.

Tourism authorities expect up to 300,000 tourists to visit the autonomous region during Eid al-Adha.